In recent years, with the emergence of online retail the accessibility to handicrafts has become more convenient for consumers.
After making an online sale and getting orders, the next step is to ship the products to your customers in India.
The Seller can prepare his product without any hassle and send his product through any delivery partner of his place for less money.
Our payment process is the fastest in E-commerce sector within 24 - 48 hours after delivery of product.
No fees for shop registration.Easy to access and create own store.
Simple 10% commission only on receiving orders.
No fees for listing your products. List as many products as you like!
Approx 2% payment processing fee.
Access detailed stats about your shop’s performance to help you increase your sales.
Use the Svamart Seller app or website dashboard to manage orders, edit listings, and respond to buyers instantly, from anywhere.
You can view information about your product order including the product price and variations , destination.
Svamart gave you wallet function where you can view payment functions.
It's easy to set up a shop on Svamart. Create an Svamart Seller account (if you don’t already have one), Basic Details Like seller Name and contact details (Email or mobile no.) , set your shop location and Shop Banner or Logo , create a shop name, Basic Documents and set a Bank Details.
Joining and starting a shop on Svamart is free. There are basic selling fees: 10% commission fee ( It will vary for different arts from different seller ).
Svamart provides a marketplace for crafters, artians and collectors to sell their handmade creations and both handmade and handicraft crafting supplies.
When a customer order will be placed from svamart app or website, then you will get notification on seller app and also notification will be given on your email id.